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Current Initiatives & Legislation

2024- 2025 Legislative Efforts

The Auto Body Association of Texas’ number one priority is and always will be consumer safety. Sometimes that safety is physical and sometimes it is protection of their rights. We stand up for shops and the consumer alike to make sure that auto body repair is safe, proper and fair.

Here is what we are working on at the capitol:


The Fair Appraisal Bill addresses the consumers’ right to a fair and timely appraisal in the instance that a body shop and an insurance company cannot agree on the terms of a repair bill. The consumer has a right to hire and appraiser who will work with the insurance company’s appraiser to come to an agreement. Two Insurance companies in Texas have submitted policies that OMIT the customer’s right to invoke their right appraisal. We are working to preserve this right for Texas consumers.

You can read the bill language here


The Safe Auto Repair Bill, addresses many issues repairers face but mostly the need for the repair plan to be in the hands of the repair professional and the consumer, not the insurance companies. This bill advocates for following OEM procedures and awareness surrounding the use of aftermarket parts for both the insured and a 3rd party claimant.

In previous versions we have addressed the problems with the safety of aftermarket parts as we often see differences in the fit, finish and quality. We will continue to refine this bill to align with what the industry is calling for.

You can read the bill language here.

Right to Appraisal Data and Overview

The need for the Texas mandatory Right to Appraisal for the insured has never been more critical than it is today. In the last several months, Progressive and Home State County Mutual Insurance have submitted policy change applications to the Texas Department of Insurance, requesting approval to remove the right to appraisal for repair procedure disputes from their policies. Many general agencies, such as Kemper, Aspen, and Direct General, write coverage under Home State County Mutual. Progressive and Home State County Mutual rescinded their application request this past week.

Read More in Our Featured Post

Texas Auto Body PAC

ABAT has formed the Texas Auto Body Political Action Committee. This PAC will further our legislative efforts by hiring lobbyists and supporting candidates who support HB1321. Please consider donating today.

Dallas Lawyer Todd Tracy Publicly Thanks The Auto Body Association of Texas

Attorney Todd Tracy, the lawyer that represented the owners of a Honda Fit in the high-profile case in Dallas, TX, Applauds the Auto Body Association of Texas for it’s commitment to safety. Mr. Tracy was a spotlight speaker at the Texas Auto Body Trade show speaking to attendees on how to avoid litigation. His full presentation will be available to members of ABAT later this year.

Join now to be one of the first to see the presentation that gained a standing ovation at the show.

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