Partnerships and Resources

SCRS Benefits Center
One of ABAT's greatest resources is the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS). The SCRS Benefits Center offers innovative and budget-friendly solutions that directly address the industry's group health insurance needs. The SCRS MEP 401k plan helps participating businesses and employees save expenses relevant to their 401k balances, reduce administrative responsibilities for companies and provide fiduciary support.
Database Enhacement Gateway
The Database Enhancement Gateway (DEG) helps improve the information in collision repair estimates through your feedback about vehicle-specific errors, omissions, and inaccuracies in the database and labor times. When you submit an inquiry they will work with the Information Providers to provide clarification or make necessary changes.

National Auto Body Research
NABR provides tools like Billable Genie and Labor Rate Hero. These tools can be extremely helpful in your plight for fair compensation.

OEM1Stop provides technicians with easy access to the most up-to-date repair information made available by each of its participating automakers.
You can easily access manufacturer's repair information websites, position statements and CRIBs all in one place.